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Deskripsi Mata kuliah
Mata kuliah ini adalah mata kuliah pilihan pada Program Studi Kimia. Dalam perkuliahan ini dibahas konsep tentang selulosa (struktur dan sifat-sifatnya), Nanostruktur selulosa dan sifat-sifatnya, pendekatan bottom-up nanostruktur selulosa, kelarutan selulosa, reaktivitas kimia, Preparasi dan analisis sello- dan xylooligosakarida: preparasioligosakarida dari selulosa dan hemiselulosa, pemisahan dan analisis oligosakarida, The Surface and In-Depth Modification of Cellulose Fibers, Correlations of Apparent cellulose crystallinity determined by XRD, NMR, IR, Ramman, and SFG methods, Nanocellulose and Proteins: Exploiting Their Interactions for Production, Immobilization, and Synthesis of Biocompatible Materials, Cellulose-based functional and Smart materials: cellulose-based electrically conducting materials, cellulose-based magnetic materials, photofunctional cellulosic materials, other functional materials based on cellulose, Nanocellulose-Based functional materials: cellulose nanocrystals, microfibrillated cellulose, bacterial nanocellulose

1. Wertz, J-L., Olivier, B., and Jean P.M., 2010, CELLULOSE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
2. Qi, H., 2017, Novel Functional Materials Based on Cellulose, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
3. Rojas, O.J., 2016, Cellulose Chemistry and Properties: Fibers, Nanocelluloses and Advanced Materials, Springer.

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